All users of the EMF Mail Service (Hereinafter as "The Service") are required to fully understand, accept and agree to the Policy of this service (Hereinafter as "The Policy"), which is part of the Terms of Use Agreement of this site. Violation of this policy and its prohibited acts may, at any time, lead to suspension or termination from use of The Service, and may lead to the removal of members' profiles from the site. We also reserve the right to take any actions which we consider reasonable or necessary, without prior notice, against violators of The Policy. By using EMF Mail Service, you agree to the below rules and regulations:
Basic Rules:
You clearly understand how The Service works and accept that the messages you exchange with the members will be delivered on an "as-is" basis and based on the member's personal wishes. However, the exchange of personal contact information is not allowed.
You are responsible for all the information you exchange with the members through EMF mails, and all such information should be clear, accurate and honest.
You will be charged automatically for mail you successfully send out and the incoming mails you read.
If you no longer wish to receive any EMF mail from a member with whom you have corresponded, you may list their profile ID in your Block List; if you do not, you continue to give permission for that member to write to you through our EMF mail service.
The EMF mail service is for honest communication with members. If you are corresponding with a member merely for making friends, you should convey this to their explicitly in order to avoid misunderstanding.
You will use The Service in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations. You will not transmit defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another party's rights when using The Service.
You understand and agree that EMF mails you exchange with members will be saved in your account for 90 days.
Prohibited Acts Using The Service:
Impersonating someone else, or disguising/misrepresenting the identity of yourself or someone else (whether entirely or partially during any communication);
Publishing or sending any text, image or video that is obscene, offensive, abusive, threatening, harassing or threatening in nature;
Revealing personal information of yourself or others including, but not limited to, personal passwords, residential addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, social security or credit/debit card details;
Requesting property for yourself or for others for any reason;
Infringing on the rights of others, including copyright or other intellectual property rights;
Using The Service for business or solicitation purposes;
Sending unsolicited commercial messages or content; or
Any other acts which violate the laws or regulations of the country or region of either party.
If the above agreement is violated, we will remove the information related to the violation. In severe cases, the related function will be banned from being used, and your account may be closed.
Risks and Disclaimer:
Members' personal behavior and integrity is beyond our control . If you find that a member is not fully attentive or focused when communicating, it is up to your discretion whether or not to continue, considering possible risks.
The site requires members to provide true and valid information during communications using The Service. However, in reality, we cannot verify and guarantee that the information provided is always 100% accurate. Therefore we suggest that you independently evaluate the content and use common sense when using The Service.
Refunds and Compensation:
In addition to the Guiding Principles on credit and payment refund as stated in the Master Terms of Use of LatamDate, the following refund criteria are specific to The Service:
Credits may be refunded if :
You have sent a repetitive copy of an EMF Mail with identical contents to the same member at the same time by mistake.
Similarly, if an EMF mail with identical contents is sent to you more than once by mistake.
If you accidentally receive an EMF mail which was intended for another recipient.